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Jun 05 2020 15:00

Advance Directives: What They Are and Why You Need Them

By Eddie Tarantino

Although everyone would like to believe that they will keep their physical and mental faculties all of their days, the truth is that such things are impossible to guarantee. Accidents can happen at any time, and it’s possible that you could find yourself in a position in which you aren’t able to make medical decisions or communicate your wishes for your care. If you want to ensure that your wishes are known and respected, we at Tarantino Law, PLLC encourage you to speak to one of our experts about creating an advance directive. Advance directives are legal documents in which you lay out what type of care you want in a worst-case scenario, and who you want to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.

A blue pen is sitting on top of an advance health care directive form.

Advance directives only affect health-related decisions and don’t have any bearing on financial matters or inheritances. As we mentioned above, no one can predict when they’ll need to make these types of extreme medical decisions, so we at Tarantino Law, PLLC recommend that you begin making these plans and making advance directives as early as possible. Not only is having an advance directive in place the best way to protect your own agency over your medical care, but it will also spare your loved ones from the burden of having to guess at your wishes in order to make those calls for you.

We at Tarantino Law, PLLC hope that this article has convinced you to give the matter of advance directives some serious thought. If you are ready to begin making these plans, simply give us a call to set up a consultation.

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