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Sep 06 2022 15:00

Estate Planning: Three Key Things to Consider

By Eddie Tarantino

One of the many things that our team at Tarantino Law, PLLC can help you with is estate planning, or preparing for the end of your life. The process of estate planning includes deciding what you want to be done with your assets after your passing, as well as making decisions about what kind of end-of-life medical care you want. Estate planning is an important process that you should consider carefully, and in this article, we’ll go over three key things that you should think about.

Two women are sitting at a table looking at a tablet.

1.  Your Assets- The first thing you should consider when it comes to estate planning is your assets—including things like money, investments, real estate, and other property—and how you want to distribute them. Our team can help you make an inventory of all your assets, and then help you clarify what you want to do with them after your passing, such as giving them to your loved ones or making donations to charities. In addition, we can help you determine the best way to legally distribute these assets, whether with a will, a trust, or some other structure.

2.  Your Care- Another thing to consider during the estate planning process is your future medical care. For example, our team can help you create a living will or advanced medical directive to inform healthcare workers of what measures they should and should not take to save your life. This will ensure that your wishes are carried out and will spare your loved ones from having to make this choice for you. In addition, we can also help you create a power of attorney document to appoint someone to make medical decisions for you in the event that you can’t do so for yourself.

3.  Your Final Arrangements- A third thing to consider during the estate planning process is the kind of funeral arrangements you want, such as whether you want to be buried or cremated. Making these plans ahead of time will spare your loved ones from having to make these decisions while they are grieving.

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